NDIS Support
Next Step Therapy Supports
Next Step Professional Therapy supports you in your own home with counselling, specialist positive behaviour support and social workers. Therapy has traditionally been provided in an office setting. NSPT has chosen to provide a mobile service across the Sunshine Coast. We see participants where they are most comfortable, in their home or outdoors. This allows participants to be themselves in a way they are unable to in an office. I believe the best way to “know” someone is to see them in their “real” lives and at their most honest. The better we know someone the more effectively we can support them.
Next Step provides support in your home or other locations that are comfortable for the participant and ensure privacy.
Family Therapy
There are many layers to the challenges a child faces when growing up with disabilities. A family can do their best, but these challenges tend to cause significant stress to children as well as parents. It is common for this stress to cause maladaptive family dynamics between all family members. Effective support can help NDIS participants and their families navigate these layers and then work to correct the problem areas.
Parental stress affects parenting capacity in ways that are not always obvious. Subtle child “attachment needs” can be misread, or completely missed. Parenting is further complicated when disabilities, developmental delays and/or trauma confuse standard parenting techniques.
In children, teens and young adults these maladaptive family dynamics can present themselves as problem behaviours such as anger and setbacks at school. There may also be unexplained delays to emotional & social development or reduction in the person’s ability to adapt. People with ASD, ADHD and FASD can show an exacerbation of symptoms. One of the carry-on effects is long term reduction in the person’s capacity and individual development of personal resources.
In complex families standard parenting courses such as Triple P and Circle of Security may not help and, can even make things worse. This is complicated further when there is parental separation. In these circumstances specialised in-home support with parenting guidance can be crucial.
Children & Young People
When a family member has a disability it is often stressful for the individual as well as their families. The impacts to self-image and confidence can easily be underestimated. This type of stress can affect everyone in the family in different ways. It is normal for families experiencing stress to do their best and adapt to the pressure in the ways they are able.
There are times when some of the ways families adapt create their own additional stress. Family members, especially children, may show their stress in unexpected ways. Stress can be shown with trouble sleeping, heightened emotions, and problem behaviours.
Some children and families may have more underlying complications. Complications such as multiple disabilities, a history of domestic violence, trauma, complex trauma (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or CPTSD), parental separation. People with ASD are more susceptible to the impacts of trauma, as well as more sensitive to being re-traumatised.
Choosing the right NDIS therapy provider for your family can reduce the impact of stress and improve family function for all family members. For participants, reduced stress tends to result in improvement with sleep, focus, relationships, regulation of emotions, and general capacity. This is an overall improvement in personal resources – inner capacities of self-efficacy, hope, and resilience in life.